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Trump, bientôt inéligible ?

Today, in the United States, the supreme judges must decide on the ineligibility of Donald Trump at the next presidential elections.
 The state of Colorado, and I believe another state, has decided to do so.
 For years, about 20 years, although I’m an artist, I’ve been using politics.
 Certainly, I am aware of the limits of my knowledge on the subject.
 This is not the unspoken argument that we send back to citizens, when they dare in a democracy, to question the policies that govern us, and this in all countries.
 Rest assured, citizens of the world, the fact that you do not have the necessary science, the necessary training, or the diplomas of Harvard or elsewhere, will never prohibit you, to open it when it comes to defending your rights, in front of the politicians.
So, if I cook like nobody else, endives with ham, with my homemade béchamel, it does not forbid me to think of you «citizens of the world», and to bring back my strawberry, preferably organic, and produced, as close to home as possible,  that is not produced in Morocco, as I saw it, already, at LIDLE, a few days ago.
 Why? It’s wrong to buy fruits and vegetables, from Morocco, when you are in France?
  Well no….. Let’s say that there is what we call, “seasonality”, food, and that it is not done for dogs, in terms of carbon footprint, relative to the cost of transportation.
 Thus, turning my béchamel these last days, I saw again the images, in my modest caboche, of trump’s troops, that the latter had guided, to try a coup, and to take the Capitol.
  In this case, we are very close to a phenomenon of idolatry, which evokes more tenging behaviour than anything else.
 My apologies, my remarks may seem insulting to two who support him today.
 I worked very hard on the Trump case, as soon as that peril happened, at the beginning of the presidential campaign, which he eventually won.
 This work is available on my website, which I will put the link, under this video.
The profile of the man is always the same, and although the years have passed, in no way his true abilities have increased, and his honesty, appeared, quite the contrary.
 “The bigger the better”, to run one of the most powerful countries in the world.
 I will therefore, on this particular day when supreme judges are supposed to decide whether or not they are legitimate, to be a candidate, to present things to you in a different light, and I will say, above all, to those who do not share my deepest convictions, as strange as it may seem, «in all friendship».
 Me, who often amuses me to philosophize, seeking, some of my texts, one is called, «to love your enemies».
 When no suffering forbids you, it is good to succeed.
 So, yes, “in all friendship”. Yes, in any case, you have little choice, I have trouble doing otherwise.
Come on, at the end.
In order to compensate for certain deficiencies in international or constitutional law, particularly with respect to American law, I am used to comparing the management of a country to the management of a family.
 We will say, a family that I will call «traditional».
 A dad, a mom, and kids.
 Yes, I know, some will find the method, a little old France, I will even say «sepia», but great evils, great remedies».

 I wrote, a book, available, on amazon, on authority, subject, one can not be more sensitive, in any country.
If we go back to the ground, that of the traditional family, in particular, authority is induced by both parents, and from the traditional angle, even more, by the father.
 I’m talking about the traditional prism, precisely, the one that Donald Trump advocates, when he defends it mordicus, by the evangelists, and the homophobes interposed, that there would exist, only this family, which has the right of place.
So, what do we observe?
 An individual, who is absolutely incapable of respecting the law, and this in a position, the most important at the time, when he had just been beaten, in the last presidential election.
 But within that family, which I call traditional—
 If the parents consider, that their offspring must respect the law, it is by example, within the family, that at this level for information, the law can only be explained, barely.
 At the time, when I was married, a traditional couple, we had three daughters.
 Never, ever, I had to explain to my daughters, that you should not steal from stores, respect your neighbor, or respect others, no, of course.
 A child is educated, above all, by example, I say the example.
 Behaving, other than by example, is something that can happen, of course, and exemplarity is not enough, but it comes into play, much more than we suspect.
 This is what we call, exemplarity, BA, education. You complain, that your child, has the nose, in his mobile ,
 Well, start by turning off yours, when you find yourself with your family, or don’t come complaining.
 In politics, it’s the same.
To allow Trump to stand, then, that he tried to make his coup, by sending his troops to take the capitol, is to bring the wolf back into the fold of democracy.
 It would be much worse, that the first time he showed up, for a very simple reason, which was that at the time he had what was called the “benefit of the doubt”—
 Yes, his profile, obviously, was already toxic, and I had denounced him, already, at the time, doubt was not allowed, then.
 But this benefit of the doubt, led us to think, that maybe, we were «wrong», that he would learn, that he would correct himself, that he would take advice from people more competent than him, there, he had to improve.
 And then he was elected.
 And then we saw—
 The benefit of the doubt, alas, showed that this doubt, evolved towards the certainty of the worst…
 It is for this reason that it is important that this coup attempt, above all, make him ineligible.

9 fevrier 2024.

Sexual trauma.

 Even if it shocks some, perhaps? I will say that not so long ago was it considered that a child, or any adult, who suffered “what a man could do worse to a child” (as I said, when I had told my daughters) would be prosecuted, or at the very least, from consideration by its criminal aspect, is not so old.

 I have not investigated the subject, I must admit, in the history of our justice, I mean.

 But if we observe that even today, there are certain masculinists, and all those who oppose feminism, to legitimize them, who are in the greatest denial, about these facts, we can only note it.

 Yes, I dare to bring together, on the one hand, the masculinist movement and incest…

 And I must admit, that rereading my work, right now, before making the video, I think about it, more strongly, still.


 Because the prevailing discourse among masculinists lies in the fact that men, vis-à-vis women, would have a protective role, which I do not deny…

 (I refer you to my book on masculinism) ,  so it is judicious to observe that the wife also plays this protective role, vis-à-vis her companion, or her husband, which they seem to forget, with all due respect to some men.

 On the other hand, it is particularly interesting to note that masculinists, most often, refrain from speaking, paternity, or approaching their role in the couple, as parents....

 We talk about mental load, possibly, but education, there, we hear them much less.

 Now, what we see in the facts is that relative to this family, which I will call traditional, that is to say, heterosexual with children, in 80% of cases, the child who is a victim of incest, or sexual touching, is in the family either, friendly, that is, activities, sports, private lessons, families, uncles, father-in-law, etc.

 That is, in these 80%, the man, the father, sensible, protect his child, either, has not managed to protect him, or, is THE guilty, in the phenomenon incest.

 I’m not suggesting, that only same-parent families, or single-parent families, are worthy, to protect children, because obviously,   that would be wrong—

 In these families, too, sexual trauma, can occur.

 I simply claim that in no way does the traditional scheme, a father and a mother, to raise a child, provide any guarantee on the subject.

 This is what justifies my connection between masculinism and incest.

  The declaration of the rights of the child dates back only to 1959, and I did not go any further, on the notion of citizenship, which he enjoys, since when, and especially, depending on the country, where he lives, and where he was born.

 I suppose, on this point, Vladimir Putin, adept of masculinism, could perhaps, tell us a lot about it, when we observe, that he sends to steal Ukrainian children, to make future soldiers, who will perhaps turn, one day, against their own Ukrainian parents, from whom they were robbed.

 I heard this morning that the Trump media clan in the US last night rolled out the red carpet at vlamdimir poutine, during which he deployed his sense of humor…

 Certainly, if it were enough to laugh.

Adolf Hitler, too, I think he had a sense of humor, I suppose, that the next video, which he has in store for us, will blow up on his lap, a bunch of kids…. What is terrible about dictators, and unfortunately, they are universal, is that they are quite predictable.

 Besides, parallel to the fact, to blow up young Russians, acquired in its cause of dictator, I ask, Putin to explain us where is the struggle, against incest, today, on Russian soil, finally, for children who have not yet died of cold, I mean.

Now I come to my personal case.

Me, I was only 9 years old, I chose not to tell anyone, when at 40, this whole story exploded in my face, one of the psychiatrists told me bluntly, “In any case, in those years, if you had confided in your mother, it would have been preferable, because you would not have carried this weight alone, but if she had wanted to file a complaint, the gendarmerie would not even have listened to her”.

And if even today, despite the MeeToo wave, so many women prefer to hide everything, and not tell anyone, it comes from somewhere, it means that still, unconsciously, in the minds of many, including some women I specify, after all, “it’s not that bad”.

 Let’s say, that «it’s not that bad», especially since we are not affected, personally, or in a close way.

 Yes, I am quite hard on the subject, vis-à-vis you ladies, when we observe, politically, some of them, endorsing the masculinist position, even if it is a no, we are entitled to ask ourselves, some questions.

And yes, you can be a woman, and stupid, women, and toxic, woman, and very toxic, including, vis-à-vis other women.

In truth, sexual traumas leave traces in extremely diverse, even unexpected ways, in all victims, and this in a more profound way and I would say perverse (at least, as much as the guilty are), that the victim is young.


 A very young child, a child, a teenager, are “adults in constant formation”, who are also built in support of what they experience and the people around them, and with whom they interact.

 This explains the complexity, in the case of a juliette Binoche, for example, which points to equivoque reletion, which still exists when a teenager is the mistress of a much older man;

 But I’ll come back to that.

 Thank you all for your courage.

 Let’s go back to the child.

 The feeling then, to begin with, is nothing less than the feeling of being dead.

 A feeling, which I felt enormously, during much of my childhood, and which is difficult to understand, for anyone, has not lived it.

 I am not saying that only those who have experienced it can understand, I am simply saying that those who have experienced it have a sharper perception of what is different.

 Indeed, a pedophile act or a rape, leaves the feeling of having seen his status as a human being, and even living, completely violated, to the point that one is no longer the feeling, to be only an entirely dead object.

    Basically, “a sex toy”.... in the eyes of the person who has done so, and who sometimes reoffends, or perpetuates it within his own family, as in the current case of incest.

 What everyone doesn’t know is that we are dehumanized, to the point that we no longer belong to any group, “consciously”.

 That is why we need to talk about it, no matter how serious the problem is, because then we are not alone, and many of us carry this heavy burden on the shoulders of a child.

 There is the rest of humanity, and you, who are inwardly dead.

“How can anyone not notice?”

  Because we pretend, to give the change, of course, and we do it all the more voluntarily, that we chose to say nothing, and that we want to save appearances, and let nothing appear.

  We also wish, like any other child, to live up to the expectations of our parents, of course, except that we leave precisely then with a huge handicap, compared to others, and that we are the only ones to be aware of it.

 The repercussions on the body, through the phenomenon of somatization, are quite diverse.

 Skin diseases, all eating disorders, from anorexia to bulimia, along with obesity, that these disorders induce.

 Indeed, 70% of people, men or women, suffering from obesity, would have been sexually assaulted, regardless of their age.


 Many health problems, to be honest, can find their origins in this type of trauma, their variations are in the image of the peculiarity that distinguishes the victims, one compared to the other.

 Chronic diseases that often have their origins, they are diverse, and then occur by the phenomenon of somatization, which I speak of in another chapter.

 But parallel to these somatizations, it is the psychological aspect then, which is the most telling, in that the trauma alters the image, that one has of oneself, but also, in the image that one has of others, in particular, the opposite sex.

 The feeling of being dead then alters what I call, «the hard core of self-esteem».

 To emerge, in a strong and lasting way from such a trauma, requires many years, even several decades.

 But it is achievable. I am proof of that. And I’m not alone.

 As for the appearance, and making sure to give the change, which I am talking about, above.

 In retrospect, I have experienced it, some external signs however, must alert.

 Signs that should have alerted, or showed that there was a big problem….

 Seeing more of me, as a child, what little there is. I was pretty skinny. I was never smiling.

 I even remember, the feeling I had, when this photo, or that photo, had been taken, so I said to myself «anyway, they did not have the eyes, in front of the holes».

 Why, didn’t they see anything?

 I will answer, overwork, a lot, work overload, and therefore, unavailability.

 Some things come back to me, such as the fact that my doll, to whom I made incredible buns, like a "great day’s cake", we were, in the 70s, with big curls, and her bun, was made with real hairpins, Well, this doll, to which I cared so much, wore a short, prairie green dress with a white collar, never wore panties.

 She only existed in my mind by her bun.

It only existed as a head to comb, barefoot.

Our parents, for convenience, had chosen to put my brother my older sister and I, boarders in Barentin.

 It must be recognized that the time of milking cows is also the time of homework, which did not facilitate the task.

 We were several children of farmers, to be boarders, for this reason.

 In retrospect, I realize that in a way, this remoteness has saved my life a little, and allowed me to be in contact with other adults, from an environment other than agriculture, and which was therefore beneficial to me.

 On weekends, the farm worker was not there, so I had little contact with him.

 But during the school holidays, he ate at our table.

  Sexually assaulting me, he did it only once, never, he did it again, I did everything to protect myself from it, and not give him the opportunity.

 Never again have I entered a farm building alone since that day.

 And when Mother asked me to go and fetch the men, as she said, because the meal was ready, I would stand in the middle of the yard and yell, «the meal is ready».And I’d come back to eat.

 A little «at the table», in the series «don’t do this, don’t do that».

 If they hadn’t heard, they wouldn’t have eaten, or at least it wouldn’t have been my business.

 When the calendar required me to eat at the same table as him, every day, my mother asked me, to go sit next to him, to eat, on the bench, along the wall.

 Every day I would say no, to sit at the table, in front of him, and not next to him.

 Every day she wouldn’t listen to me, and I had to sit next to her....

 How to explain, that by the phenomenon of repetition, which I wanted, obviously, she did not, one day simply, ask me the question?

 “Why, you never want to sit next to Jacques?”….

 It seems to me, however obvious in retrospect, that by my insistence, each time, that I did so, I put her, or my father, who sat at the end of the table, to ask the question….

 What I mean is, obviously, when a child carries such a heavy secret, and he chooses, he believes, not to reveal anything to protect, one or both parents, I am absolutely certain, he sends messages,  who are supposed to be picked up, by those who are supposed to watch over him or her.

 But for that, we must not be monopolized (e), by a delusional mental charge (which was the case of our mother), to be sufficiently available in the relationship.

 A child who refuses to join, or who refuses to be alone with an adult, or who lets it be known that he would prefer to avoid, must be concerned… ex officio!

 That does not mean, that these are such serious facts, I specify, but of course, it must alert, we must understand why.

 I have the case in the film «les chatouilles», by Andréa Bescond, and this fact is extremely common.

In trauma they call it, "weak signals."

The child says “No, I don’t want to go”, and the parents insist, while the child says something.

 It doesn’t mean that there’s something that serious, just to clarify—

 But it must encourage vigilance, and encourage us to ask ourselves the question, «why», simply.

 As for the turmoil, within CIIVISE, I sent an email to Macron on the Élysée website, to offer him to work there, and I gave him, the link of my playlist, on dolorism.

En espagnol:

Trauma sexual.

 ¿Aunque sea para asustar a algunos? Diré que no hace mucho tiempo que se considera que un niño, o una persona adulta, que haya sufrido «lo peor que un hombre puede hacer a un niño» (según mis palabras, cuando lo había revelado a mis hijas) sea objeto de persecución, O como mínimo, considerando su aspecto criminal, no es tan viejo.

 No he investigado el tema, debo confesar, en la historia de nuestra justicia, quiero decir.

 Pero si se observa que todavía hoy se encuentran algunos masculinistas, y todos los que se oponen al feminismo, para legitimarlos, que están en la mayor negación, sobre estos hechos, no se puede sino constatarlo.

 Sí, me atrevo a acercar, por un lado, el movimiento masculino, y el incesto...

 Y tengo que reconocer, que releyendo mi trabajo, justo ahora, antes de hacer el video, lo pienso, más fuertemente, aún.

 ¿Por qué?

 Porque el discurso ambiente, entre los masculinistas, reside en el hecho de que el hombre, frente a la mujer, tendría un papel protector,  lo que, por otra parte, no niego...

 (Me remito a mi libro sobre el masculinismo) ,  también es acertado observar que la mujer, también, desempeña este papel protector, con respecto a su compañero, o a su marido, lo que parecen olvidar, no desagrada a algunos hombres.

 Por otra parte, es particularmente llamativo observar que los masculinistas, por lo general, se guardan bien de hablar, paternidad, o de abordar su papel en la pareja, como padres...

 Se habla de carga mental, eventualmente, pero educación, en este caso, se oye mucho menos.

 Ahora bien, lo que se observa en los hechos es que relativamente, a esta familia, que calificaré de tradicional,  es decir, heterosexual con hijos, en el 80% de los casos, el niño que es víctima de incesto, o de tocamientos sexuales, lo es en el ámbito familiar, sea amistoso, es decir, actividades, deportes, clases particulares, familias, tíos, padrastro, etc...

 Es decir, en este 80%, el hombre, el padre, en el sentido de proteger a su hijo, o bien no ha logrado protegerlo, o bien es el culpable, en el fenómeno incesto.

 No estoy pretendiendo, que solo las familias homoparentales, o monoparentales, son dignas, de proteger a los niños, porque obviamente,   esto sería falso...

 También en estas familias pueden producirse traumas sexuales.

 Simplemente afirmo que, de ninguna manera, el esquema tradicional, un papá y una mamá, para criar a un niño, no aporta la menor garantía, sobre el tema.

 Es lo que justifica, mi acercamiento, entre masculinismo e incesto.

  La declaración de los derechos del niño, que data de 1959, y no he ido más lejos, sobre la noción de ciudadanía, de la que goza, desde cuándo y, sobre todo, según el país, donde vive y nace.

 Supongo que, sobre este punto, Vladimir putin, adepto del masculinismo, podría quizás, decirnos mucho al respecto, cuando se observa, que envía a robar niños ucranianos, para fabricar futuros soldados, que quizás se vuelquen, un día, contra sus propios padres ucranianos, a quienes fueron robados.

 He oído esta mañana que el clan mediático Trump, en los Estados Unidos, esta noche, desenrolló la alfombra roja para vlamdimir putin, entrevista durante la cual, desplegó su sentido del humor...

 Claro, si fuera suficiente reír.

Adolfo Hitler también, se había enterado, el sentido del humor, supongo, que el próximo vídeo, que nos reserva, él hará saltar sobre sus rodillas,  una serie de niños... Lo terrible de los dictadores, y por desgracia es universal, es que son bastante previsibles.

 Por otra parte, paralelamente, al hecho de hacer saltar a jóvenes rusos, comprometidos con su causa de dictador, pido a Putin que nos explique en qué punto se encuentra la lucha, contra el incesto, hoy, en suelo ruso, finalmente, por los niños que no han muerto de frío, quiero decir.

Ahora voy a mi caso personal.

Yo sólo tenía nueve años, había decidido no decirle nada a nadie, cuando a los 40 años, toda esta historia me estallaba en la cara, y uno de los psiquiatras me decía claramente: «De todos modos, en aquellos años, si hubieras confiado en tu madre, habría sido preferible, porque no habrías llevado ese peso sola, pero si hubiera querido presentar una denuncia, la gendarmería ni siquiera la habría escuchado».

Y si aún hoy, a pesar de la ola MeeToo, tantas mujeres prefieren esconderlo todo, y no decírselo a nadie, viene de alguna parte, significa que aún, inconscientemente, en la mente de muchos, incluso de algunas mujeres, lo preciso, después de todo, «No es tan grave como parece».

 Digamos que «no es tan grave», tanto más cuanto que no nos afecta, personalmente o de manera cercana.

 Sí, soy bastante dura sobre el tema, respecto a vosotras, señoras, cuando se observa, políticamente, algunas de ellas,  avalar la posición masculinista, incluso si se trata de un no dicho, se puede plantearse, algunas preguntas.

Y sí, se puede ser mujer, y zorra, mujer, y tóxica, mujer, y muy tóxica, incluso, frente a otras mujeres.

En verdad, los traumas sexuales dejan huellas de maneras muy diversas, ver inesperadas, en todas las víctimas, y esto de manera aún más profunda y diría perversa (al menos tanto como los culpables lo son), que la víctima es joven.

 En efecto.

 Un niño muy pequeño, un niño, un adolescente, son «adultos en formación constante», que se construyen también en apoyo, frente a lo que viven y a las personas que los rodean, y con las que interactúan.

 Esto explica la complejidad, en el caso de una Juliette Binoche, por ejemplo,  que señala con el dedo, la relección errónea, que siempre existe, cuando una adolescente, es la amante de un hombre mucho mayor;

 Pero volveré sobre ello.

 Gracias a todas por su valentía.

 Volvamos con el niño.

 La sensación entonces, para empezar, no es nada menos que la sensación de estar muerto.

 Un sentimiento que sentí mucho, durante gran parte de mi infancia, y que es difícil de entender, para cualquiera que no lo haya experimentado.

 No pretendo que solo aquellos que lo han vivido puedan entender,  simplemente pretendo que aquellos que lo han vivido tienen una percepción más aguda, precisamente, que es diferente.

 En efecto, un acto pedófilo o una violación, deja el sentimiento de haber visto su condición de ser humano, e incluso vivo, totalmente despreciado, hasta el punto de que uno ya no es el sentimiento, de no ser más que un objeto completamente muerto.

    Básicamente, «un juguete sexual».... a los ojos del culpable, que a veces reincide, o lo perpetúa en el seno de su propia familia, como en el caso corriente del incesto.

 Lo que todo el mundo ignora, por otra parte, es que uno es deshumanizado, hasta el punto de que ya no pertenece a ningún grupo, «de manera consciente».

 Por eso hay que hablar de ello, sea cual sea la gravedad del problema, porque entonces no estamos solos, y somos muchos los que cargamos con esta carga, tan pesada, sobre los hombros de un niño.

 Está el resto de la humanidad, y tú, que por dentro, estás muerto.

«¿Cómo es que nadie se da cuenta? »

  Porque fingimos, por supuesto, y lo hacemos de forma más voluntaria, porque elegimos no decir nada, y queremos guardar las apariencias, y dejar que nada parezca.

  También queremos, como cualquier otro niño, estar a la altura de las expectativas de nuestros padres, por supuesto, excepto que nos vamos precisamente entonces con una enorme desventaja, en comparación con los demás, y que somos los únicos que somos conscientes de ello.

 Las repercusiones sobre el cuerpo, por el fenómeno de la somatización, son bastante diversas.

 Enfermedades de la piel, todos los trastornos de la alimentación, desde la anorexia a la bulimia, junto con la obesidad, que estos trastornos inducen.

 En efecto, el 70% de las personas, hombres o mujeres, que padecen obesidad, han sufrido una agresión sexual, cualquiera que sea su edad.


 Muchos problemas de salud, por decirlo suavemente, pueden tener su origen en este tipo de trauma, sus variaciones reflejan la particularidad que distingue a las víctimas, unas de otras.

 Las enfermedades crónicas que a menudo tienen sus orígenes, son diversas, y se producen entonces por el fenómeno de somatización, del que hablo en otro capítulo.

 Pero paralelamente a estas somatizaciones, es el aspecto psicológico, entonces, el que más habla, en lo que el trauma altera la imagen, que uno tiene de sí mismo, pero también, en la imagen que uno tiene de los demás, en particular, el sexo opuesto.

 La sensación de estar muerto, altera lo que yo llamo, «el núcleo duro de la autoestima».

 Emerger, de manera fuerte y duradera de un trauma como este, requiere muchos años, ver, varias décadas.

 Pero se puede hacer. Yo soy la prueba. Y no soy la única.

 En lo que respecta a la apariencia, y al hecho de procurar dar el cambio, al que me refiero, más arriba.

 En retrospectiva, he experimentado, algunas señales externas sin embargo, deben alertar.

 Señales que deberían haber dado la alerta, o mostrar que había un gran problema...

 Viendo fotos mías de niño, lo poco que hay, por cierto. Yo era bastante delgado. Yo no sonreía nunca.

 Recuerdo incluso, el sentimiento que tenía, cuando se había tomado una u otra foto, así que me dije «aunque no tuvieran los ojos, frente a los agujeros».

 ¿Por qué no vieron nada?

 Responderé, agotamiento, mucho, sobrecarga de trabajo, y por lo tanto, indisponibilidad.

 Algunos puntos me vienen a la mente, como el hecho de que mi muñeca, a quien le hacía unos increíbles moños, como «pastel de los grandes días»,  estábamos, en los años 70, con unos grandes rizos, y su moño, estaba hecho con horquillas de verdad, Bueno, esa muñeca, a la que tanto quería, llevaba un vestido corto, verde pradera, con un cuello blanco, nunca llevaba bragas.

 Sólo existía en mi mente por su moño.

Sólo existía como cabeza para peinar, pies descalzos.

Nuestros padres, por conveniencia, habían elegido poner a mi hermano mayor y a mí, huéspedes en Barentin.

 Hay que reconocer que la hora del ordeño de las vacas es también la hora de los deberes, lo que no facilitaba la tarea.

 Éramos varios hijos de agricultores, que eran huéspedes, por esa razón.

 En retrospectiva, me doy cuenta de que, en cierto modo, esta lejanía me ha salvado la vida un poco, y ha permitido estar en contacto con otros adultos, de un medio que no es agrícola, y que, por tanto, me ha sido saludable.

 El fin de semana, el trabajador agrícola, no estaba allí, así que tuve poco contacto con él.

 Pero durante las vacaciones escolares, comía en nuestra mesa.

  Agredirme sexualmente, solo lo hizo una vez, nunca, no lo hizo de nuevo, hice todo lo posible para protegerme de ello, y no darle la oportunidad.

 No he vuelto a entrar sola en un edificio agrícola desde entonces.

 Y cuando mamá me pedía que fuera a buscar a los hombres, como ella decía, porque la comida estaba lista, yo me ponía, en medio del patio, y gritaba, «la comida está lista».Y volvía para comer.

 Un poco «en la mesa», en la serie «no hagas esto, no hagas esto».

 Si no lo hubieran oído, no estarían comiendo, o al menos no sería mi caso.

 Cuando el calendario me obligaba a comer en la misma mesa que él, cada día mi madre me pedía que me sentara junto a él, para comer, en el banco, a lo largo de la pared.

 Cada día le decía que no, para sentarme en la mesa, delante de él, y no cerca.

 Cada día, no me escuchaba, y me obligaba a sentarme al lado...

 ¿Cómo explicar, que por el fenómeno de repetición, que yo apreciaba, evidentemente, no me hiciera, un día simplemente, la pregunta?

 «¿Por qué, nunca quieres sentarte al lado de Santiago? »....

 Me parece, sin embargo, evidente retrospectivamente, que por mi insistencia, cada vez,  que actuaba así, la ponía en situación, ELLA, o mi padre, que estaba al final de la mesa,  de hacerse la pregunta....

 Lo que quiero decir es que, obviamente, cuando un niño lleva un secreto tan grande, y elige, lo cree, no revelar nada para protegerlo, uno de los padres o ambos,  inconscientemente, estoy absolutamente seguro, está enviando mensajes,  que se supone que deben ser captados por aquellos que se supone que deben cuidarlo a él o a ella.

 Pero para ello, es necesario no ser acaparado(a), por una carga mental delirante (como era el caso de nuestra madre), para estar suficientemente disponible en la relación.

 Un niño que se niega a unirse, o a encontrarse a solas con un adulto, o que hace saber, que preferiría evitar, debe interpelar... de oficio!

 Esto no significa, que se trate de hechos tan graves, lo preciso, pero de oficio, debe alertar, hay que comprender por qué.

 Tengo el caso en la película «las cosquillas», de Andrea Bescond, y este hecho es extremadamente común.

En traumatología se llama «señales débiles».

El niño dice «no, no quiero ir», y los padres insisten, mientras que el niño dice algo.

 Eso no significa, que haya algo tan grave, debo precisar...

 Pero debe incitar, a la vigilancia, e incitar a plantearse la pregunta, «por qué», simplemente.

 En cuanto a las tormentas, en el seno de la CIIVISE, envié un correo electrónico a Macron, en el sitio del Elíseo, para proponerle trabajar allí, y le di, el enlace de mi playlist, sobre el dolorismo.




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